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The digital transformation of companies has been extremely accelerated in recent years, and as a result, the modernization of data protection strategies is the key to making this transformation positive for your business. With the phenomenon of cybercrime, with data hijacking (ransomware), a misstep can turn into hours of downtime, millions in losses, or even the definitive loss of critical data.


Discover how Supernova Cloud has been successful in protecting data with its customers and partners with  "Fantastic Four":

Data Protection

Backup as a Service (BaaS) and Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)


The future of data protection is in BaaS and DRaaS! Outsourcing is the shortest way to eliminate vulnerability in deployment complexity, management failure, and high cloud costs for your backup and DR.

Protect the networks where data travels!


Get a robust engine capable of real-time intrusion detection (IDS), in-line intrusion prevention (IPS) and network security monitoring (NSM) at your fingertips. Control of traffic load over WANs, VPN Server, NAT, L3 Rules and much more.

protect  the data wherever they are!


A single platform for environments  and cloud, virtual and physical.


Smart backup and recovery, DR orchestration, cloud mobility, data management, monitoring and analytics.

Protect devices accessing data!


Powerful endpoint control combined with anomaly, application, web and device controls reduce the chances of remote end-user errors and mitigate data leaks, protecting your company's data usage environment.


Infra Local


Organizations have increased adoption of AWS, Azure and other cloud services and, due to the pandemic, many of them have accelerated their plans to migrate and exploit cloud services even faster.

The workload in the cloud, protected with local backup and also in the cloud, guarantees the 3-2-1-0 rule with local recovery, from clouds to cloud or from cloud to local, enabling the long-awaited agile and simple mobility of Infra from premise to and cloud and across diverse cloud platforms.


A entrega de projetos e implantação de infraestrutura de servidores locais é uma área de especialização da nossa empresa. Com uma abordagem personalizada, experiência sólida e equipe altamente qualificada, estamos preparados para entregar e manter a sua infra local.


Virtualizamos seus servidores com VMware ou Microsoft Hyper-V, criando características de mobilidade, escalabilidade. Desfrute da economia em hardware e software e mais segurança através da virtualização.


Projetamos e implantamos estrutura híbridas onde integramos seus recursos locais e em Cloud, seja nuvem pública, de terceiros ou até mesmo privada. Criamos as interconexões necessárias com segurança e economia.

migração de nuvem para local

Se sua infra está na nuvem e você entendeu Cloud, definitivamente, nõo é uma solução para todos, neste caso os nossos analistas podem lhe ajudar a migra para on-premise entregando o projeto exato de servidores locais, dentro do seu orçamento.




Organizations have increased adoption of AWS, Azure and other cloud services and, due to the pandemic, many of them have accelerated their plans to migrate and exploit cloud services even faster.

The workload in the cloud, protected with local backup and also in the cloud, guarantees the 3-2-1-0 rule with local recovery, from clouds to cloud or from cloud to local, enabling the long-awaited agile and simple mobility of Infra from premise to and cloud and across diverse cloud platforms.


At AWS we design computing power, database storage, content delivery or other functionality, all to create a smaller, more powerful environment for your business.


With Microsoft Azure, we deliver an ever-expanding set of cloud services, increasing the power of services and systems, making your organization ready for the present and ready for the future.

Cloud Backup

Whether in environment, simple, advanced or distributed, integrate with just one console your various remote backups with your cloud backup and stay up to date with compliance for off-site backup


Eliminate Capex and start your operation immediately with Dedicated Servers.  

Supernova Cloud can help you create hybrid or 100% off-site structures to increase the availability of your systems with performance and security.


Operate in Data Center T3, and empower yourself with robustness and security. Outsource redundant power management, cooling, access control, monitoring, physical space access control, supervision and control of infrastructure assets.


Even with the challenge of the growing technological diversity of the corporate sector, Supernova Cloud provides its customers with increasingly secure, simple and agile IT.

Com a Supernova, encontramos a solução ideal para a área contábil. Hoje temos uma solução personalizada e altamente segura, mantendo a confidencialidade das informações dos nossos clientes. Além disso, a agilidade na recuperação dos dados em caso de incidentes nos dá tranquilidade, pois não haverá atrasos por indisponibilidade, evitando assim possibilidade prejuízos para os nossos clientes."

Erivelto Lopes - CEO

Mapper Assessoria Contábil


Together to go further.

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